
It's A Party Store
This is the place to register to use the It's A Party application OR renew an annual license.

The application is design for use by independant consultants of a direct sales company. It provides
most of the service needed to manage your business.

Signing up for this application provides you with a free 60-day license. This license is provids
full access to all features of the applicatiion so new clients can 'kick the tires' and set up their
company data. We are available to assist with uploading the company data. The trial cannot be extended.

An annual license will be required once the trial is over. The cost of the annual license is $35.00*
*Infrastructure (web site) costs may require us to adjust the annual license fee.

You must be logged in to continue. Please, return to the Home page by clicking Home on the menu above.
Then either log in or register to enable us to help you further. Once signed in return to the Store.